Supporting Children Through the Ukrainian Crisis
1hr FREE Online CPD Course to help our children navigate the world we live in
Welcome to this FREE online CPD course that has been created with love to support you to have difficult but necessary conversations with children. Our phones, televisions and newspapers are being bombarded by horrific imagery and narratives around the potentially impending Russian/Ukrainian War. This is a scary time for children of all ages with all levels of understanding, particularly after they have heroically come through two years of a pandemic that so radically changed their worldview.
This course is specifically suited for parents, teachers and professionals working with children of all ages and all abilities. You will learn:
- Specific strategies around conveying information to children, holding space for their understanding and allowing them time to rationalise in their own time
- A 12 point step-by-step guide in how to practically facilitate group chats or individual conversations with children of all ages
- How to use art and play to ensure children process their thoughts, feelings and energy after this heavy deep work
- The importance of supporting yourself in these testing times by taking care of your nervous system through reflection and grounding exercises
Your Instructor
Dr Lorraine Lynch is the Clinical Director of the Child Psychology Institute (CPI). She holds a Professional Doctorate in Health Psychology from London Metropolitan University (LMU) and is accredited by the HCPC and BPS. Her research thesis was based on the lived experience of children with Dyspraxia/Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) from the perspective of their parents. During her doctorate training, she completed placements in the private sector working on breastfeeding advocacy and support, and also within the NHS (Kidderminster Hospital, Birmingham) working on the promotion of digital health solutions. Dr Lorraine has won numerous awards within the social innovation and enterprise space, receiving a Social Entrepreneurs Ireland award in 2014, Enterprise Ireland's New Frontiers Award in 2021 and Network Ireland 'Power Within Champion' Award in 2022. Dr Lorraine is also the author of two books designed to promote children’s wellness - #100happydays4kids and Closing Saor’s Day.
Her most important role is a mother to three smallies, who serve as a constant reminder of how much potential exists within each child.
“Even the tallest trees always begin as a seed.” A. J. Darkholme