Managing Dyspraxia at Home
How to ensure your child with Dyspraxia can reach their potential by meeting their psychological needs at home
It is recommended that you complete Understanding Dyspraxia before commencing this short two-hour CPD course. Once students have a comprehensive understanding of this developmental disorder, they will take away the most from the knowledge on this course.
Being the parent of a child with Dyspraxia can be equally challenging and rewarding - the highs are high and the lows are low. There are so many facets to a condition like Dyspraxia that your child can range from mild to severe in many different respects. They may be sensory seeking or sensory sensitive; wild and rambunctious or shy and timid; artistic, academic or sporty. However, research has shown that the lived experience of Dyspraxia results in some fairly typical and common psychological responses. Children with Dyspraxia usually have lower self-esteem, higher levels of empathy, fewer friends, higher level of social isolation and incidents of being victimized by bullies, and are more likely to develop anxiety and depressive symptomatology. This is a heavy burden for parents to carry because your role juggles between one of protection and building resilience...and that's between the emotional outbursts. However, there is so much that can be done to help promote and foster wellness in children, specifically those with Dyspraxia, and this short two-hour course will discuss these in detail. The aim of this course is for parents to come away with recommendations they can implement for a calmer happier home - one that meets the varying needs of your child with Dyspraxia.
Your Instructor
Dr Lorraine Lynch is the Clinical Director of the Child Psychology Institute (CPI). She holds a Professional Doctorate in Health Psychology from London Metropolitan University (LMU) and is accredited by the HCPC and BPS. Her research thesis was based on the lived experience of children with Dyspraxia/Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) from the perspective of their parents. During her doctorate training, she completed placements in the private sector working on breastfeeding advocacy and support, and also within the NHS (Kidderminster Hospital, Birmingham) working on the promotion of digital health solutions. Dr Lorraine has won numerous awards within the social innovation and enterprise space, receiving a Social Entrepreneurs Ireland award in 2014, Enterprise Ireland's New Frontiers Award in 2021 and Network Ireland 'Power Within Champion' Award in 2022. Dr Lorraine is also the author of two books designed to promote children’s wellness - #100happydays4kids and Closing Saor’s Day.
Her most important role is a mother to three smallies, who serve as a constant reminder of how much potential exists within each child.
“Even the tallest trees always begin as a seed.” A. J. Darkholme